Online Marketing and Creating Urgency with Customers


The role of Hat Trick Associates, and any online marketing professional in general, is generating revenue for the client. Now, of course I believe that means a strong SEO campaign, great content, and a good social media presence. But anything that makes the client money – I don’t care if it’s hot air balloons – is more money that they can spend on promoting their business online.

Here is a general marketing tip from HTA: Marketing is about creating a sense of urgency to fulfill an immediate need, immediately, in most cases. One of the best uses I have seen or heard of this happened just now on Pandora. “Take a picture of this coupon on the screen right now during this ad to get X off or Free whatever…”

The actual offer didn’t matter much, they had me scrambling for my phone to get the Camera app open to take a pic of the screen before I even knew what the offer was…I didn’t want to miss out.

And I *just took the photo in time. It was almost exciting. They created the sense of urgency they needed to (It was Sport Clips, in this case). The offer is pretty good, actually, as well…so I might really use it. This is a perfect example of a marketing piece that works. Stand on the shoulders of giants – and take note of what works for competitors or those in different industries, and shamelessly steal from them.